Company name for a Berlin-based real estate company

Description or brand name? Berliner Immobilien Holding GmbH (BIH) or...? Endmark develops an approachable brand name with a strong local identity: Berlinovo.

Naming new beginnings

Out with the dusty prefabricated housing image and in with the new residential concepts of Berlin. Having started out as the manager of dilapidated rental units, the housing company embraced a comprehensive image change in 2012. Positive. Liveable. Regional.


Panel system-buildings and an affirmative attitude to life do not seem to go hand in hand. In order to counteract this position, tenants should receive a strong signal of change. At the same time, a serious image problem had emerged among stakeholders over the years. Two good reasons for a makeover – with a name that builds fresh trust, stands for innovation and adaptability as well as entrepreneurial vision and responsibility. Strengthening local roots along the way.


After an intensive development phase and several joint workshops, the renaming is finalized: Berlinovo. Understandable. Forward-looking. Strong in character. With a clear reference to Berlin and the promise of being "novo", i.e. new, the name introduces change and creates a likeable identity. In order to avoid any pitfalls with the multicultural tenant group, we are entrusted with the culturally-linguistic checks for possible meanings in English, Russian and Turkish, in addition to the trademark protection – Berlinovo has passed the test. 😊


The new name Berlinovo has been registered as a word mark and fulfills all the quality characteristics of the Endmark SUPER formula: it is Simple, Unique, Protectable, Expressive, Rememberable. Great job.

Your way to the right brand strategy.

Come along: to successful naming and sustainable branding.

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