Local brand naming for Berlin's urban mobility

The BerlKönig conquers the streets of Berlin – high brand fit meets higher storytelling. "Who rides there so late through the night dark and drear?" – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Erlkönig)

Love brand looking for local branding

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe has a long-standing reputation for bold and attention-grabbing communication.
A (verbatim!) "transport company" turned love brand – that puts a lot of work into a highly emotional language. The new mobility concept must fit the brand tonality and attract the target group with an expressive name.

Thisis why on the one hand, our task was to develop a suitable name and positioning within the defined brand tonality – and on the other hand, to advance the product language. The service idea was to be integrated into the brand: a novel shared mobility solution operating on demand. For all those, who need a more individual transportation method than trains or buses.

A name with the right drive

The challenge was to bridge the gap between individual and public urban transport and to draw attention to new concepts in the city. In addition, it was difficult to communicate BVG's specific USP in a way that would be easy to understand.

The name was a product of a joint workshop between Endmark and BVG. BerlKönig doesn't just connect commuters but also the desired reference to Berlin and the expression of the service's high-quality character. The local reach is intertwined with a pioneering idea, visible in so-called "Erlkönig" (prototype) vehicles.

All in all, the new brand corresponds with BVG's highly independent and authentic verbal profile.

Your way to the right brand strategy.

Come along: to successful naming and sustainable branding.

Get in touch – no strings attached!
Further references