Brand development for media production technology

Name development for Riedel: we let quality be heard.

Names that make a point

Created under the umbrella of Riedel Communications, PUNQTUM offers digital intercom technology. From concerts to broadcasting and even church services: the medium is the message. However, the focus of its brand communication is primarily on the “unseen” heroes who ensure that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

And it is precisely them who should be inspired and impressed by a new company name.

Set the stage for a new corporate brand

It was already clear during the branding process that the name has to call the tune not only internally but also externally. At the same time, the name should stand out from the crowd. After all, this is about digitization — in a largely hands-on industry and long before AI & Co. were even an issue.

The strategic importance of the new brand and its verbal profile are initially evaluated and sharpened in joint workshops.

During the development process, aimed to inspire and empower the demanding target group. One, that — regardless of the format of the event — tends to put technology before emotionality.

In the end, we get to the point of functionality. Together.

The focused name “PUNQTUM” impresses with its clarity and objectivity. It offers both a linguistic link to the German umbrella brand and differentiation potential within the competitive environment. And at the same time, it allows relevant storytelling: “"punctuation", “key point", "quality".

And the heroes of everyday events? Now rely on over 30 channels, simplified synchronization and seamless communication. With a positively punchy name.

Your way to the right brand strategy.

Come along: to successful naming and sustainable branding.

Get in touch – no strings attached!
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