Naming workshop for the LVR-Jewish Museum in the Cologne Archaeological Quarter

In the middle of the quarter: emotional naming for an overarching museum and cultural experience.

Unique branding for a unique project

A remarkable museum project is emerging in the middle of Cologne's city center. Archaeological monuments and a newly built permanent exhibition express 2000 years of history. The name for the project should reflect all components — from the Roman governor's palace to the medieval Jewish quarter to the residential and artisan houses from the last millennium.

Different periods, religions, cultures... The issue is socially and politically controversial. Therefore, the name must not only meet many requirements, but be one thing above all: invincible.

Serious and inspiring at the same time. Modern, but not too flippy. A name that reflects the history of Cologne from Roman times to the present day and does not emphasize or exclude any individual component too much.

One naming. Many decision makers.

A 5-week naming competition collected more than 700 name suggestions from the population. The detailed explanations provided show the complex expectations for the museum and the great interest in this project. All these impulses are brought together and expanded within an evaluation and extended through in-house name development. Early on, there is a tendency towards a name that would underline the special nature of the location — while being open to an explanatory subline that combines all components.

The next step: a brand workshop with decision makers from the LVR, the city of Cologne, representatives from the press and politics. A round-table disussion with everyone involved — in the truest sense of the word.

All's well that names well

MiQua refers to the localization: "(in the) middle of the quarteror even "museum in the quarter" and is easily associated with the Jewish ritual bath “mikveh.” The combination builds a cultural bridge, is highly recognizable in international contexts and can become a symbol of the overall museum experience in the long run.

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